BCNC Portrait: Kassandra Tat

Kassandra first came to BCNC through the Red Oak After School and Summer program as a child. As she reminisces about her time, she said “BCNC provided structure and engagement in my childhood on a day-to-day basis. I feel the structure set me up to thrive in school and allowed me to be a kid.

Through her time at BCNC, she grew an interest in organized sports. BCNC programs and her parents nurtured her to give her confidence to try out for sports teams. She was also a Red Oak staff member, and she developed an interest in working with children in this role.

Now she is a family law attorney based in Quincy. “I currently work with parents, particularly with a focus on finding solutions that would be in the best interest of their children,” shared Kassandra.

BCNC gave me a community. I struggled with being the only Asian kid before,” said Kassandra. “It’s important for service providers to be able to culturally relate to their constituents since it can minimize barriers. I wish every cultural group had a BCNC equivalent.”

This year, Kassandra was selected to represent Team BCNC at the 2023 Boston Marathon. Not only will she run 26.2 miles as a John Hancock charity runner, but also she is raising $10,000 to support BCNC programs for Asian and new immigrant families. Kassandra shares, “BCNC's positive impact has helped me find skills, passions, and goals. BCNC has given me lifelong friends, wonderful memories, countless lessons, and a strong supportive community.” Cheer on Kassandra and click here to support her fundraising efforts.